You are about to embark on an adventure to discover the fascinating world of manga! Manga is a very unique medium that offers a rich world of stories and art that will captivate and entertain readers for a long time. In this guide, we will show you how to get started in this exciting hobby.

Reading manga is a little different from reading a book or graphic novel. It can be a little overwhelming at first, from how to read a page or panel to where to start and what types of works are available. But don’t worry. There are simple steps to dive into the world of manga. First, look for manga by genre or theme that interests you. Manga has a huge variety of genres, and there is everything from action, romance, horror, fantasy, and non-fiction inspired by real life. Starting with a genre you like will help you get hooked faster.

Next, try some platforms and websites for reading manga. There are many dedicated apps for reading digital manga and websites that offer a wide library of manga. Some of these platforms offer free works to read or convenient subscription models. For example, some of the most popular apps and websites are Comixology, Crunchyroll, and Mangaplus. These sites offer a rich library of manga and allow you to explore the world of manga at your leisure.

Manga is usually a series of multiple volumes, so it is best to start reading a particular title from the beginning. This way, you can fully understand the story and character development of the work and immerse yourself in the world. You can read a brief summary or review to get an idea of ​​what the story is like and whether it suits your taste.

Welcome to the world of manga! We hope this guide will help you get started on your new hobby.

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